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Insecure password | List of weak 100 passwords

                                                               Weak Password

 Everyday official document exchange to personal file backup, chatting, banking, everything is now online dependent. Therefore, we need to understand the password of any online account including personal or official e-mail or Facebook account. Our careless passwords can pose a risk at any time.

While opening accounts on various social media, we provide passwords as per our convenience to keep our accounts safe. Currently, most of the fraud is being noticed with these accounts. Fraudsters continue to cheat by easily hacking the very  simple passwords we provide. Use strong passwords and change them frequently to protect us from fraud.

                    A study by NordPass and password management company Splashdata found that people tend to use passwords that are easy to remember, which fraudsters can easily hack. The survey found that as the weakest password that emerged in the survey. Also publishing a list of easy or bad passwords. It can be seen that people still use "123456", "password" or "qwerty" as passwords.

Experts are suggesting that online security should ditch these passwords and give passwords made up of made-up words and numbers, the Telegraph reported in a report. Hacking of online accounts is proof of the risk that simple passwords can pose.  Numerous private moments photos and videos of many  celebrities and thousands of users have been exposed due to hacking of various online accounts. These problems have created many problems for online users.

We recommend that you avoid using these passwords. If you already use these or similar passwords, we recommend that you change them immediately.

Below is a list of the top 100 passwords found on darknet breach lists from various sources.

There are certain rules to follow to keep your account safe or secure online or on social media. Use at least 15 to 20 characters in the password, mix uppercase and lowercase letters in the password, Use numbers and special symbols in the password (eg @, !, $ , {, [, <, #, % , & *). To maintain the security of your password, avoid sharing your password with others. Learn to say no to passwords, no matter how trusted.

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