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20 Best Websites for Learning Web Design & Development !

Web design and Development of the site does not have a flame., But among them are a few sites that complement and share with you a few sites are International quality..

1. www.developers.google.com

2. dev.opera.com

3. lynda.com 

4. www.dontfeartheinternet.com

5. p2pu.org

6. www.codecademy.com

7. www.codeschool.com

8. www.udacity.com

9. www.udemy.com


11. www.teamtreehouse.com


13. www.tutsplus.com

 14. www.timothytraining.net

 15. www.open.edu

 16. www.apple.com

17. www.academicearth.org

18. www.killerphp.com

19. www.webdesign.com

 20. www.w3.org

1 comment:

  1. Expand your skills by taking an online photo editing course. This short-term certificate course is one of the best Image Editing Courses offered by subhe eLearning. Learn how to process and edit your images with Photoshop Lightroom Classic Course and this course is designed to show you how to use photo editing software to capture, edit, manipulate and produce top-quality Creativity.


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